"Crude" For Immediate Release Reception Friday, September 12, 7-9 PM Hours for the Exhibition: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 12-6 PM
Determining the surface area of individual signs according to each oil company?s gross revenues, Cody hints at a familiar hierarchy of money, power and corporate muscle that she both underlines and undermines through her exacting attention to sculptural detail. Consisting of sections of well-known company logotypes, such as Shell, Conoco and Phillips 66, Cody transforms these colorful and potent cyphers into extractions and purifications of their original colorfulness and design. Heidi Cody?s resulting sculptures mimic and surpass the perfectionism of their sources by improving their desirability, while approaching the somber subjects they represent with something approaching our own ambivalent attitudes. Exceedingly vibrant, refined but yet ultimately recognizable, Heidi Cody?s sculptures tease out a species of redemptive beauty from the most intransigent, imposing, crude commercialism. Heidi Cody has previously had solo exhibitions at Roebling Hall, Agnew?s (London) Feldman Gallery and Jessica Savage (Portland, OR).
"Philips 66" Lightbox 2002 from "Big Business"
Born Portland, Oregon
"Conoco" Lightbox 2002 from "Big Business"
"Fast Food" 9 pieces Flash on verso of plexiglass
"American Haiku" Silkscreen Prints mounted behind Plexiglass Dawn Reaches SnoCaps SunLight Casting Promises All MountainDew Gleems
"P" Lightbox from " American Alphabet"
Adriana Arenas - Erik Benson - Jane Benson - Sebastiaan Bremer - Paul Campbell - Christoph Draeger |
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