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1993 -1997 National University of Mexico, Visual Arts
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2002 |
Morality Plays, Roebling Hall, Brooklyn, NY
Paintings, 1998-2002, Hacienda Museum, Mexico City
A visit to the valley, Galeria OMR, Mexico City
The History Class, Galeria Jesus Drexel, Monterrey, N.L |
2001 |
Shared Stories, Fine Arts Museum, Juarez, Chih, Quinta Gameros, Chihuahua |
2000 |
The birth of love, Queretaro Museum, Queretaro and Veracruz Cultural Institute, VeraCruz
Untitled (MUCA collective VII), MUCA Roma, Mexico City
Small formats, El Estudio Gallery, Mexico City
Recent work, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City |
1998 |
The existential garden, Gallery 2, ENAP-Xochimilco, Mexico City
12 scenes 1997-1998, Hof&Huyser Galerie, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
1997 |
The theatre of the real, Gallery III, Academia de San Carlos, Mexico City
Maya's Veil, Centro Cultural San Angel, Mexico City |
1996 |
Motif: portrait, Casa Borda, Taxco, Guerrero. |
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2002 |
8th Bancomer Art Salon, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City
FIAC, Galeria OMR, Paris, France
Art Berlin, Galeria OMR, Berlin, Germany
Afflicted, Roebling Hall, Brooklyn, NY
Art Basel, Galeria OMR, Basel, Switzerland
Art Chicago, Roebling Hall, Chicago, IL
Feria ARCO, Galeria OMR, Madrid, Spain |
2001 |
Painting Under the Bridge, Puente 15, Queretaro, Mexico
Active Creation No. 11, National Center for the Arts, Mexico City
50th Anniversary, Galeria Jose Maria Velasco, Mexico City
25-35, Young Contemporaries, Ex Arzobispado Museum, Mexico City
XV Lesbian and Gay Week, Chopo Museum, Mexico City
Heaven and Earth, Jose Luis Cuevas Museum, Mexico City
5 Mexican Landscape Painters, Mexican Embassy, Djakarta, Indonesia
Three Figurative Artists, SR-30, Mexico City |
2000 |
Acts of Faith, Alamada Art Lab, Mexico City
Landscapes/Nudes, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City
Visions and diversions, Lourdes Sosa Galeria, Mexico City
X Tamayo Bienna!e, Rufino Tamayo Museum, Mexico City
The line of art, Siqueiros Poliforum, Mexico City
Small Format Salon, Outgallery, Mexico City. |
1999 |
Omnilife Art Salon, Omnilife Foundation, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
25x25, El Espacio Gallery, Mexico City
XIX Young Artists Salon, ICA, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes and other sites
Summer 1999, El Estudio Gallery, Mexico City |
1998 |
4th Bancomer Art Salon, Mexico City, Monterrey, N.L., and other sites
The body alluded, National Art Museum, Mexico City
Threshold of a Century, 127 Gallery, Mexico City
Active Creation, No.7, Exhibition of Young Artists of the FONCA, Guadalajara Regional Museum, Carrillo Gil Museum, Mexico City
Anonymous and Fakes, Josep Renau Gallery, Instituto Politecnico de Valencia, Spain
KunstRAI, Rai Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Studio works, Casa del Poeta, Mexico City |
1996 |
From the Center to the Border, U.A.B.C, Mexicali, Baja California
Collective in El Estudio, El Estudio Gallery, Mexico City
1995 |
Installations and other things, Foro Cultural Contreras, Mexico City
September 19, Galleries I and II, Academia de San Carlos, Mexico City
1st. University Fair of the Arts, M. U.C.A., Mexico City |
1993 |
The Culture of the Night, El Juglar, Mexico City |
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2000 |
Acquisition Award, Tenth Tamayo Bienniel, Museo Rufino Tamayo |
1999 |
Young Artists Sponsorship, Generation 1999-2000, National Endowment for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) |
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